

點(diǎn)擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號:國務(wù)院令第65號
or postal staff from performing their normal work.
【章名】Chapter II The Establishment of Postal Enterprises and Postal Ins- tallations
Article 12The standards for the establishment of postal enterprises and their branchoffices shall be stipulated by the Ministry of Post andTelecommunications; the establishment and abolition of post enterprisesshall be approved by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications; theestablishment and abolition of branch offices shall be approved by theadministrative bureaus of post and telecommunications and be reported tothe Ministry of Post and Telecommunications for the record.Article 13The local people's governments at various levels shall incorporate theestablishment of postal enterprises and their branch offices as well asthe construction of various postal installations into their urban andrural construction plans.Article 14While constructing new districts in cities, isolated industrial and miningareas and residential districts, as well as transforming large expanse ofold urban districts, the planning and establishment of the matching postalenterprises and their branch offices as well as the various postalinstallations shall be carried out simultaneously.Article 15When postal enterprises establish postal kiosks, newspaper and periodicalstands, pillar boxes, mail boxes or conduct mobile services according tolaw, the units and individuals concerned shall provide conveniences.Article 16Letter and newspaper boxes for receiving postal materials are the matchingfacilities in residential buildings, and designing units shall includethem in the standard designs of the construction of residential buildings.Every construction unit of a residential building shall be installed, onthe ground floor, with letter and newspaper boxes corresponding to theroom numbers of the residents; or letter and newspaper boxes shall beinstalled in a place or room with easy access in the midst of buildings,for the residents to receive postal materials. The property right ownersof residential buildings, or the administrative units shall be responsiblefor the maintenance and change of letter and newspaper boxes; themaintenance and change of letter and newspaper boxes may also entrusted tothe local postal enterprises or their branch offices, and the expensesnecessary for labour and materials shall be paid by the entrusting units.Article 17Places for handling postal business, conveniently accessible topassengers, shall be provided in relatively larger railway stations,airports, ports and hotels; the postal enterprises shall provide variouspostal services.
Article 18Any unit that, for the needs of construction, requisitions, demolishes orremoves a postal enterprise and its branch offices or the postalinstallations shall consult with the local postal enterprise; and, underthe condition that the normal operations of postal correspondence areguaranteed, the said unit shall remove the postal enterprise and itsbranch offices as well as the postal installations to a proper place, orrebuild them, and the expenses thus entailed shall be borne by the unitthat conducts the requisition, demolition and removing.
【章名】Chapter III Categories of Postal Business
Article 19Postal enterprises shall handle the posting and delivery of domestic andinternational postal materials as well as the express delivery of postalmaterials. Domestic postal materials refer to the postal materialsexchanged within the territory of the People's Republic of China; thoseposted to or from the regions of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan are calledpostal materials of the regions of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan;international postal materials refer to the postal materials exchangedbetween the People's Republic of China and other countries or regions, andpostal materials transmitted by way of the territory of China.Article 20Distribution business of domestic newspapers and magazines refers to thebusiness of distributing newspapers and magazines entrusted by newspaperand magazine offices to the postal enterprises.Article 21When newspaper and magazine offices entrust the postal enterprises withthe distribution of newspapers and magazines, they shall, in accordancewith the scope of the distribution of newspapers and magazines, present tothe appointed postal enterprises or the bureaus for distribution of postalnewspapers and magazines, certifications of having obtained the approvalfor publication by the competent department concerned and the registrationcertificate for newspapers and periodicals. The postal enterprises, whichhave the capacity for handling distribution business, shall sign contractsfor the distribution of newspapers and magazines with the newspaper andmagazine offices concerned in accordance with the pertinent provisions ofthe State, and in conformity with the principles of equality and mutualbenefit, of achieving unanimity through consultation, and of equal pricesand non-gratuitousness.Article 22Postal savings and postal remittances, which are financial businesseshandled by postal enterprises for the purpose of accumulating funds forthe State and facilitating economic transactions, shall be under theunified administration of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications andshall, in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the State, acceptthe guidance of the People's Bank of China in financial businesses. Allrelevant banks shall provide conveniences for the businesses of postalsavings and postal remittances conducted by the postal enterprises.Article 23The specific categories of postal businesses and the classification ofpostal materials shall be stipulated by the Ministry of Post andTelecommunications.
【章名】Chapter IV Postal Rates of Postal Services and Postage Certi- ficates
Article 24The basic postal rates of postal services refer to the postal rates forthe domestic ordinary letters and postcards; the non-basic postal ratesrefer to the postal rates of postal services other than the basic postalrates.The basic postal rates of postal services shall be stipulated by thecompetent department for the administration of commodity prices under theState Council, and then be submitted to the State Council for approval;the non-basic postal rates shall be stipulated by the Ministry of Post andTelecommunications.Article 25The basis for the formulation and adjustment of postal rates of postalservices shall be as follows:(1) to meet the social needs, on the condition that the cost expenses ofenterprises of postal correspondence and their capacity for developmentare guaranteed;(2) to adjust postal rates of domestic postal services inthe light of the changes in defrayment;(3) to adjust postal rates of international postal services in accordancewith the provisions of the Universal Postal Union, the international anddomestic cost expenses, and the changes in exchange rates for Renminbi(RMB).Article 26Postage certificates issued by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunicationsand used as securities indicating that the charges or fees for postalmaterials have already been paid shall include postage stamps, the postagestamp patterns printed on stamped envelopes, stamped postcards, stampedaerograms, and the "postage-paid" marking printed with a checking machine.Article 27The international reply-coupons issued by the Universal Postak Union may,in accordance with the international unified provisions, be converted intopostage stamps equal to a specific category of postal rates for a specificclass of weight; however, such international reply-coupons shall not beconverted into cash.Article 28Where the making of facsimiles of stamp patterns is necessitated by work,it must be submitted, in accordance with the pertinent provisions for themaking of facsimiles of postage stamp patterns, to the competentdepartment for postage stamps under the Ministry of Post andTelecommunications, or to the administrative bureau of post andtelecommunications concern
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