

點擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號:中華人民共和國主席令第14號
f such stipulations,import and export commodities shall be inspected in accordance with theinspection standards agreed upon in the foreign trade contracts.Article 7Import and export commodities or items subject to inspection by otherinspection organizations under laws or administrative rules andregulations shall be inspected in accordance with the provisions ofrelevant laws or administrative rules and regulations.Article 8The State Administration for Commodity Inspection and the commodityinspection authorities shall collect information on the inspection ofimport and export commodities and make it available to the relevantcircles.
【章名】Chapter II Inspection of Import Commodities
Article 9For import commodities which are subject to inspection by the commodityinspection authorities in accordance with this Law, the consignee mustregister them with the commodity inspection authorities located at theport of discharge or the station of arrival. Import commodities which areincluded in the List of Commodities shall be checked and released by theCustoms upon presentation of the seal of the commodity inspectionauthorities affixed to the Customs declaration.Article 10For import commodities which are subject to inspection by the commodityinspection authorities in accordance with this Law, the consignee shallapply to the same authorities for inspection in places and within the timelimit specified by them. The commodity inspection authorities shallaccomplish the procedures for inspection and issue an inspectioncertificate within the period of validity of claims prescribed in aforeign trade contract.Article 11If import commodities other than those which are subject to inspection bythe commodity inspection authorities in accordance with this Law are foundto be not up to the quality standard, damaged or short on weight orquantity, the consignee shall apply to the commodity inspectionauthorities for inspection and the issuance of an inspection certificateif such a certificate is necessary for claiming compensation.Article 12For important import commodities and a complete set of equipment in largesize, the consignee shall, in accordance with the terms agreed upon in aforeign trade contract, conduct initial inspection or initial supervisionover manufacturing or loading in the exporting country before shipment,while the relevant competent departments shall strengthen theirsupervision. The commodity inspection authorities may, when necessary,dispatch inspection personnel to take part in such inspection andsupervision.
【章名】Chapter III Inspection of Export Commodities
Article 13For export commodities which are subject to inspection by the commodityinspection authorities in accordance with this Law, the consignor shallapply to the same authorities for inspection in the places and within thetime limit specified by them. The commodity inspection authorities shallaccomplish the procedures for inspection and issue a certificate withoutdelaying the prescribed time for shipment. Export commodities which areincluded in the List of Commodities shall be checked and released by theCustoms upon presentation of the inspection certificate or the paper forrelease issued by the commodity inspection authorities or the seal of thesame authorities affixed to the Customs declaration.Article 14Export commodities which have been inspected and passed by the commodityinspection authorities and for which an inspection certificate or a paperfor release has been issued by the same authorities shall be declared forexport and shipped out of the country within the time limit specified bythe same authorities. Failing to meet the time limit shall entailreapplication for inspection.Article 15An enterprise manufacturing packagings for dangerous export goods mustapply to the commodity inspection authorities for a test of theperformance of such packagings. An enterprise producing dangerous exportgoods must apply to the same authorities for a test of the use ofpackagings. No permission shall be granted for the export of dangerousgoods kept in packagings which have not passed a test.Article 16For vessel holds or containers used for carrying perishable foods, thecarrier or the organization using the containers shall apply forinspection before loading. No permission shall be granted for loading andshipment until the relevant conditions are passed by the inspectors.
【章名】Chapter IV Supervision and Administration
Article 17The commodity inspection authorities may make a random inspection ofimport and export commodities beyond those subject to inspection by thecommodity inspection authorities in accordance with this Law. Nopermission shall be granted for the export of export commodities found tobe substandard in a random inspection.Article 18The commodity inspection authorities may, when necessary, assigninspection personnel to manufacturers of export commodities which areincluded in the List of Commodities to take part in supervision over thequality inspection of export commodities before they leave the factory.Article 19The commodity inspection authorities may undertake the qualitycertification of import and export commodities on the basis of agreementssigned between the State Administration for Commodity Inspection and theforeign bodies concerned or upon entrustment by the foreign bodiesconcerned. They may permit the use of quality certification marks onimport and export commodities which have been given quality certification.Article 20The State Administration for Commodity Inspection and the commodityinspection authorities shall, on the basis of the requirements in theirinspection, entrust competent inspection organizations at home and abroadwith the inspection of import and export commodities after examining theirqualifications.Article 21The State Administration for Commodity Inspection and the Commodityinspection authorities shall exercise supervision over the import andexport commodity inspection conducted by the inspection organizationsdesignated or approved by them and may make a random inspection of thecommodities which have been inspected by such organization.Article 22The State shall, when necessary, institute a quality licence system forimportant import and export commodities and their manufacturers. Thespecific measures thereof shall be drawn up by the State Administrationfor Commodity Inspection in conjunction with the relevant competentdepartments under the State Council.Article 23The commodity inspection authorities may, when necessary, place commodityinspection marks or sealings on import and export commodities proved to beup to standard through inspection.
Article 24In case an applicant for the inspection of import and export commoditiesdisagrees with the results of inspection presented by the commodityinspection authorities, he may apply for reinspection to the sameauthorities, to those at the next higher level or to the StateAdministration for Commodity Inspection. The conclusion on reinspectionshall be made by the commodity inspection authorities or the StateAdministration for Commodity Inspection which has accepted the applicationfor reinspection.Article 25The commodity inspection authorities, the inspection organizationsdesignated by them and other inspection organizations approved by theState Administration for Commodity Inspection may handle the business ofsuperintending and surveying import and export commodities as entrusted byparties involved in foreign trade or by foreign inspection bodies.The scope of business of superintending and surveying import and exportcommodities shall cover: inspection of the quality, quantity, weight andpacking of import and export commodities; inspection of cargoes withrespect to general or particular average; inspection of container cargoes;damage survey of import cargoes; inspection of technical conditions forthe shipment of exports; measurement of dead tonnage; certification of theorigin or value of exports a
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