【章名】第一章 總 則
第一條 為加強(qiáng)進(jìn)口計量器具的監(jiān)督管理,根據(jù)《中華人民共和國計量法》和《中華人民共和國計量法實施細(xì)則》的有關(guān)規(guī)定,制定本辦法。
第二條 任何單位和個人進(jìn)口計量器具,以及外商(含外國制造商、經(jīng)銷商,下同)或其代理人在中國銷售計量器具,都必須遵守本辦法。
第三條 進(jìn)口計量器具的監(jiān)督管理,由國務(wù)院計量行政部門主管,具體實施由國務(wù)院和地方有關(guān)部門分工負(fù)責(zé)。
【章名】第二章 進(jìn)口計量器具的型式批準(zhǔn)
第四條 凡進(jìn)口或外商在中國境內(nèi)銷售列入本辦法所附《中華人民共和國進(jìn)口計量器具型式審查目錄》內(nèi)的計量器具的,應(yīng)向國務(wù)院計量行政部門申請辦理型式批準(zhǔn)。
第五條 外商或其代理人申請型式批準(zhǔn),須向國務(wù)院計量行政部門遞交型式批準(zhǔn)申請書、計量器具樣機(jī)照片和必要的技術(shù)資料。
第六條 國務(wù)院計量行政部門接受申請后,負(fù)責(zé)安排授權(quán)的技術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)進(jìn)行定型鑒定,并通知外商或其代理人向承擔(dān)定型鑒定的技術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)提供樣機(jī)和以下技術(shù)資料:
第七條 定型鑒定按鑒定大綱進(jìn)行。鑒定大綱由承擔(dān)鑒定的技術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu),根據(jù)國務(wù)院計量行政部門發(fā)布的《計量器具定型鑒定技術(shù)規(guī)范》的要求制定。主要內(nèi)容包括:外觀檢查、計量性能考核以及安全性、環(huán)境適應(yīng)性、可靠性和壽命試驗等。
第八條 定型鑒定的結(jié)果由承擔(dān)鑒定的技術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)報國務(wù)院計量行政部門審核。經(jīng)審核合格的,由國務(wù)院計量行政部門向申請人頒發(fā)《中華人民共和國進(jìn)口計量器具型式批準(zhǔn)證書》,并準(zhǔn)予在相應(yīng)的計量器具和包裝上使用中華人民共和國進(jìn)口計量器具型式批準(zhǔn)的標(biāo)志和編號。
第九條 承擔(dān)定型鑒定的技術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)及其工作人員,對申請人提供的技術(shù)資料必須保密。
第十條 有下列情況之一的,經(jīng)國務(wù)院計量行政部門同意,可申請辦理臨時型式批準(zhǔn),具體辦法由國務(wù)院計量行政部門規(guī)定:
第十一條 外國制造的計量器具經(jīng)我國型式批準(zhǔn)后,由國務(wù)院計量行政部門予以公布。
【章名】第三章 進(jìn)口計量器具的審批
第十二條 申請進(jìn)口計量器具,按國家關(guān)于進(jìn)口商品的規(guī)定程序進(jìn)行審批。
第十三條 因特殊需要,申請進(jìn)口非法定計量單位的計量器具和國務(wù)院禁止使用的其他計量器具,須經(jīng)國務(wù)院計量行政部門批準(zhǔn)。
第十四條 申請進(jìn)口非法定計量單位的計量器具和國務(wù)院禁止使用的其他計量器具的單位,應(yīng)向國務(wù)院計量行政部門提供以下材料和文件:
【章名】第四章 進(jìn)口計量器具的檢定
第十五條 進(jìn)口以銷售為目的的列入《中華人民共和國依法管理的計量器具目錄》內(nèi)的計量器具,在海關(guān)驗放后,訂貨單位必須向所在的省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府計量行政部門申請檢定。當(dāng)?shù)夭荒軝z定的,向國務(wù)院計量行政部門申請檢定。
第十六條 接受進(jìn)口計量器具檢定申請的政府計量行政部門,應(yīng)指定計量檢定機(jī)構(gòu)及時進(jìn)行檢定。對檢定合格的,應(yīng)由政府計量行政部門出具檢定證書、檢定合格證或加蓋檢定合格印,并準(zhǔn)予銷售。
第十七條 訂貨單位應(yīng)將計量行政部門對進(jìn)口計量器具的檢定結(jié)果報告所在地區(qū)的商檢機(jī)構(gòu)。檢定不合格,需要向外索賠的,訂貨單位應(yīng)及時向所在地區(qū)商檢機(jī)構(gòu)申請復(fù)驗出證。
第十八條 進(jìn)口不以銷售為目的的計量器具,按照國家關(guān)于一般進(jìn)口商品檢驗工作的管理辦法辦理。
【章名】第五章 法律責(zé)任
第十九條 違反本辦法規(guī)定,進(jìn)口非法定計量單位的計量器具或國務(wù)院禁止使用的其他計量器具的,按照《中華人民共和國計量法實施細(xì)則》第四十四條規(guī)定追究法律責(zé)任。
第二十條 進(jìn)口計量器具未經(jīng)省級以上人民政府計量行政部門指定的計量檢定機(jī)構(gòu)檢定合格而銷售的,按照《中華人民共和國計量法實施細(xì)則》第五十條規(guī)定追究法律責(zé)任。
第二十一條 違反本辦法第四條規(guī)定,進(jìn)口或銷售未經(jīng)國務(wù)院計量行政部門型式批準(zhǔn)的計量器具的,計量行政部門有權(quán)封存其計量器具,責(zé)令其補(bǔ)辦型式批準(zhǔn)手續(xù),并可處以相當(dāng)于進(jìn)口或銷售額百分之三十以下的罰款。
第二十二條 承擔(dān)進(jìn)口計量器具定型鑒定的技術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)違反本辦法第九條規(guī)定的,按照《中華人民共和國計量法實施細(xì)則》第五十八條規(guī)定追究法律責(zé)任。
【章名】第六章 附 則
第二十三條 引進(jìn)成套設(shè)備中配套的計量器具以及不以銷售為目的的計量器具的監(jiān)督管理,按國家有關(guān)規(guī)定辦理。
第二十四條 與本辦法有關(guān)的申請書、證書和標(biāo)志式樣,由國務(wù)院計量行政部門統(tǒng)一制定。
第二十五條 申請進(jìn)口計量器具的型式批準(zhǔn)、定型鑒定和計量檢定,應(yīng)按國家有關(guān)規(guī)定繳納費(fèi)用。
第二十六條 進(jìn)口用于統(tǒng)一量值的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)物質(zhì)的監(jiān)督管理,可參照本辦法執(zhí)行。
第二十七條 本辦法由國務(wù)院行政部門負(fù)責(zé)解釋。
第二十八條 本辦法自發(fā)布之日起施行。
【章名】Important Notice: (注意事項)
英文本源自中華人民共和國務(wù)院法制局編譯, 中國法制出版社出版的《中華人民共和國涉外法規(guī)匯編》(1991年7月版).
當(dāng)發(fā)生歧意時, 應(yīng)以法律法規(guī)頒布單位發(fā)布的中文原文為準(zhǔn).This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THEPEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOREIGN-RELATED MATTERS" (1991.7)which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the StateCouncil of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the ChinaLegal System Publishing House.In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.
【章名】Whole Document (法規(guī)全文)
MEASURES OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA FOR THE SUPERVISION ANDADMINISTRATION OF IMPORTED INSTRUMENTS OF MEASUREMENT(Approved by the State Council on October 11, 1989 and promulgatedby the Decree No. 3 of the State Bureau of Technology Supervision onNovember 4, 1989)
【章名】Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1These Measures are formulated, in accordance with the pertinentstipulations of the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China andthe Rules for the Implementation of the Metrology Law of the People'sRepublic of China, for the purpose of strengthening the supervision overthe administration of imported instruments of measurement.Article 2Any units and individuals that are engaged in the importation ofinstruments of measurement and any foreign businessmen (including foreignmanufacturers, salesmen, the same hereinafter) or their agents who areengaged in the sales of instruments of measurement in China must abide bythese Measures.Article 3The competent administrative department under the State Council shall beresponsible for the supervision over and administration of importedinstruments of measurement. The departments concerned under the StateCouncil and in the local governments shall be responsible for the actualimplementation in keeping with the division of responsibility.
【章名】Chapter II Model Approval of Imported Instruments of Measurement
Article 4Anyone who wants to import the instruments of measurement listed in theCatalogue of Model Examination of the People's Republic of China forImported Instruments of Measurement attached to these Measures or anyforeign businessman who wants to sell these instruments in China mustapply to the competent department in charge of measurement under the StateCouncil for model approval.Applications for model approval for imported instruments should besubmitted by foreign businessmen.Applications for model approval for instruments sold by foreignbusinessmen in China should be submitted by the foreign businessmen ortheir agents.The competent department in charge of measurement under the State Councilmay, according to changes of circumstances, make minor adjustments of theCatalogue of Model Examination of the People's Republic of China forImported Instruments of Measurement.Article 5In applying for model approval, foreign businessmen or their agents mustsubmit model approval application, photographs or the sample instrumentsand necessary technical data to the competent department in charge ofmeasurement under the State Council. The competent department under theState Council shall conduct examination of the materials submitted byforeign businessmen or their agents according to the relevant provisionsof the measurement law and regulations.Article 6After receiving applications, the competent department under the StateCouncil shall arrange for an authorized technical agency to conduct designappraisement and inform the foreign businessmen or their agents that theyshould provide the technical agency with sample instruments and thefollowing technical data:(1) the technical manuals of the instruments;(2) the assembly diagrams, structural drawings and circuit diagrams of theinstruments;(3) the documents of technical standards and the methods for examination;(4) the testing reports on the sample instruments;(5) the operation instructions.The sample instruments needed in the design appraisement should beprovided free of charge by the foreign businessmen or their agents.Customs authorities shall inspect and release the instruments on thestrength of the letters of guarantee issued by the competent department incharge of measurement under the State Council and shall impose no customsduties. The sample instruments shall be returned to the applicants afterthe appraisements.
Article 7Design appraisement shall be conducted in accordance with the requirementslaid down in the appraisement outline which is drawn up by the technicalagency responsible for the appraisement according to the TechnicalSpecifications of Design Appraisement for Instruments of Measurementissued by the competent administrative department under the State Council.Its main content includes inspection of the exterior assessment ofmeasurement functions