

點(diǎn)擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號(hào):1982年1月12日國(guó)務(wù)院常務(wù)會(huì)議通過(guò)1982年1月30日國(guó)
ords, samples, vouchers and otheroriginal data and their export and transmission from the People's Republicof China must all be conducted in accordance with the "Provisions on theControl of Data" formulated by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry.Article 24In the course of petroleum operations, the operator and subcontractorsshall comply with the relevant laws and provisions on environmentalprotection and safety of the People's Republic of China, and shall, in thelight of international practice, protect fishery resources and othernatural resources and prevent the environment, including the air, seas,rivers, lakes and land, from being polluted or damaged, when conductingoperations.Article 25The petroleum produced within the petroleum contract area shall be landedin the People's Republic of China or may be exported from oil (gas)metering points on offshore terminals. In case such petroleum has to belanded at point outside the People's Republic of China, the approval ofthe Ministry of Petroleum Industry must be obtained.Article 26In circumstances of war, the threat of war or other emergencies, theChinese Government shall have the right to compulsory purchase orrequisition of a portion or all of the petroleum due to it or purchased bythe foreign contractor.
【章名】Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions
Article 27Any dispute arising between foreign and Chinese enterprises during thecooperative exploitation of offshore petroleum resources shall be settledthrough friendly consultations. If it cannot be resolved throughconsultation, mediation and arbitration may be conducted by an arbitrationbody of the People's Republic of China, or the parties to the contract mayagree upon arbitration by another arbitration body.Article 28In case an operator or contractor violates the provisions of theseRegulations in conducting petroleum operations, the Ministry of PetroleumIndustry shall have the right to issue a warning and set a deadline forcorrection. If no correction can be made prior to the specified deadline,the Ministry of Petroleum Industry shall have the right to adopt necessarymeasures, even up to the suspension of implementation of petroleumoperations. All economic losses arising therefrom shall be borne by theparty responsible. A party responsible for serious violations of theseRegulations may be fined by and/or even be subject to legal action filedwith the judicial organs by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry.
Article 29The terms used in these Regulations are defined as follows:(1) "Petroleum" means crude oil or natural gas deposited underground,currently being extracted or already extracted.(2) "Exploitation" means, in general, the exploration for and development,production and marketing of petroleum, as well as other relatedactivities.(3) "Petroleum contract" means a contract signed, in accordance with thelaw, between CNOOC and foreign enterprises for the cooperativeexploitation of offshore petroleum resources of the People's Republic ofChina, including the exploration for and development and production ofpetroleum.(4) "Contract area" means a surface area designated within a sea areademarcated by geographical coordinates in the petroleum contract for thecooperative exploitation of petroleum resources.(5) "Petroleum operations" means all exploration, development andproduction operations and other related activities conducted in carryingout the petroleum contract.
(6) "Exploration operations" means all work done to locate thepetroleum-bearing traps by means of geological, geophysical andgeochemical methods and including drilling exploratory wells, etc., andall work done to determine the commerciality of discovered petroleumtraps, including appraisal drilling, feasibility studies and preparationof the overall development program for an oil(gas) field.(7) "Development operations" means projects, such as those for designing,construction, installation and drilling, and corresponding research work,conducted from the date of the approval of the overall development programfor an oil (gas) field by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry, in order tobring about petroleum production, including production activities carriedout before the commencement of commercial production.(8) "Production operations" means all operations for producing petroleumconducted after the date of commencement of the commercial production ofan oil (gas)field and related activities, such as extraction, injection, productionstimulation, processing, storage and transportation and lifting ofpetroleum and other operations.(9) "Foreign contractor" means a foreign enterprise that signs a petroleumcontract with CNOOC. The foreign enterprises may be a corporation or aconsortium of corporations.(10) "Operator" means an entity that is responsible for implementing theoperations pursuant to the provisions of the petroleum contract.(11) "Subcontractor" means an entity that renders services to theoperator.Article 30Rules for the implementation of these Regulations shall be formulated bythe Ministry of Petroleum Industry.Article 31These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.
庫(kù) 名: 01. 國(guó)家法律法規(guī)庫(kù)(49年--94年)(全 部)
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