


評論: 更新日期:2014年06月22日

??????? 個人防護用品,特別是呼吸保護器,可能不適合于連續(xù)使用。
??????? PPE may not always be worn properly.
??????? 個人防護用品可能被不合適地穿戴。
??????? For these reasons the use of PPE is generally regarded as less acceptable than the other means of control previously described.? Nevertheless, there are many circumstances (e.g. maintenance and emergency response) where it is the only feasible control option.
??????? 鑒于這些理由,使用個人防護用品的可接受程度通常比所述的其它控制手段來得低。然而,在許多情況下它是可以選擇的控制手段,例如維修和應急反應。
??????? 個人防護用品程序的管理
??????? The use of personal protective equipment provides a means for controlling individual exposure to a particular hazard but its use needs to be considered carefully before a decision is taken to adopt PPE as the control option.
??????? 個人防護用品的使用為暴露于特定的危害環(huán)境下的人員提供了一種控制手段,但是在決定使用它們作為控制手段前,必須經(jīng)過仔細的考慮。
??????? ·?Selection
??????? ??? 選擇
??????? Only a suitably competent person can undertake to select PPE.? All PPE that is intended to be used on the ** site must be inspected and approved by a ** HSE Department Representative and such equipment must meet internationally recognized standards. At ** PPE is considered the last line of defense and assurances must be made that alternative methods of controlling the hazard and risk are technically suitable.???
??????? 只有合適的有資格的人才能選擇個人勞動保護用品。所有要在**現(xiàn)場使用的個人防護用品須經(jīng)過** HSE部門代表的檢查和批準,這些設備必須符合國際公認標準。在**,個人保護用品被認為是最后的防線,必須作出保證在控制危險和風險的可選擇的方案在技術上是合適的。
??????? ·?Fitting
??????? 適宜性
??????? When PPE is first issued, an adequate fit must be ensured under supervision.? In some cases user should be trained to check the fit whenever the equipment is used.? This is particularly important for the use of Respiratory Protective Equipment.
??????? 在首次發(fā)放使用個人防護用品時,必須監(jiān)督確保其適宜性。在有些情況下使用設備時,使用者應經(jīng)過培訓知道如何檢查設備是否適用,使用呼吸設備尤為重要。
??????? ·?Health Aspects
??????? 健康方面
??????? The use of PPE can have an impact on an employee's health, (e.g. skin irritation, heat stress).? Certain medical conditions may make it difficult to use certain equipment.
??????? 使用個人防護用品可能會影響員工的健康(例如,皮膚過敏、熱中風)。有些員工的身體狀況可能使他難以使用一些設備。
??????? ·?Compatibility
??????? 兼容性
??????? If more than one type of PPE is required to be worn simultaneously, then the compatibility of the individual items need to be evaluated.? The PPE also needs to be compatible with the tasks involved.
??????? 如果要求同時穿戴一種以上的個人防護用品時,則需要評估單個用品之間的兼容性。另外,個人防護用品還須與所執(zhí)行的任務相兼容。
??????? ??
??????? ·?Issue
??????? 發(fā)放
??????? Provision should be made to control the issue of PPE to employees, remembering that several types of equipment may be available.? Employee's may not be fully aware of the limitations of particular types and may ask for the wrong one.? This may lead to incorrect application.
??????? 應制定個人防護用品發(fā)放規(guī)定,記住,可能會使用幾種保護用品。雇員可能并不完全知道特定用品的局限性,可能申請了錯誤的種類,這可能導致不正確的應用。
??????? ·?Proper Use
??????? 合適的使用
??????? PPE is effective only if worn properly for the appropriate tasks.
??????? 只有在穿戴合適的個人防護用品,做相對應的工作時,個人防護用品才起作用。
??????? The consistent use of PPE by management and supervisory staff, employee encouragement and enforcement of site standards of use are critically important if high levels of compliance are to be attained and maintained.? Personal protective equipment that can provide the protection that it was designed for when it is properly used.? Personal protective equipment that is not worn properly may not provide anything more than false confidence.
??????? 如果想要達到和保持高標準的執(zhí)行制度的水平,管理層和主管人員使用個人防護用品對于按照現(xiàn)場要求鼓勵和強制員工使用個人防護用品是重要的。個人保護用品根據(jù)設計在合適的使用時能夠提供保護,不正確的佩戴根本不能起到保護作用。
??????? ·?Cleaning and Maintenance of PPE
??????? 個人防護用品的清潔和維護
??????? An effective system of PPE maintenance, such as eye glass cleaning stations is essential to make sure the equipment continues to provide the degree of protection for which it was designed.?
??????? 為確保設備能持續(xù)提供其既定的保護目的,有一個有效的維護個人防護用品的系統(tǒng)是至關重要的,例如眼鏡清洗站。
??????? 信息、指令和培訓
??????? When an employee is provided with PPE, that employee must be provided with information, instruction and training as is adequate and appropriate to enable the employee to know:
??????? 當員工被提供了個人防護用品時,該員工就應該獲得相應的信息、指令和培訓,使員工能夠知道:
??????? a)?The risk or risks, which the PPE will avoid or limit.
??????? 該個人防護用品所要避免或消除的風險。
??????? b)?The purpose for which and the manner in which PPE is to be used.
??????? 使用該個人防護用品的目的和使用方法。
??????? c)?Any action to be taken by the employee to ensure that the PPE remains in an effective state, in efficient working order and in good repair.
??????? 員工應該采取的行動,以保證個人防護用品處于有效的狀態(tài)、高效的工作次序和得到良好的修補。
??????? 9. Contractor PPE Obligation
?????????? 承包商在個人保護用品方面的責任
??????? The contractor is obligated to pay for and provide to their employees, free of charge, all necessary and proper PPE according to **'S standards and requirements.? In general, all staff working at site is required to wear a hard hat, safety glasses and hard toed protective shoes at a minimum. During special operations, employees will also be provided by the contractor, free of charge, with any additional protection as required such as hearing-protection, face shields, leather gloves etc.? The contractor will provide their employees with training in the proper use and care of the supplied PPE.
??????? 承包商有責任按照**的要求和標準為他們的員工購買和提供免費的合適的勞動保護用品。通常,員工在現(xiàn)場工作時至少需要戴好安全帽、安全眼鏡和保護腳趾的防護鞋。對于特殊的操作,承包商還需要免費為雇員提供另外的保護如耳罩、面罩、皮革手套等。承包商必須提供培訓,指導勞動保護用品的正確使用,并要關心勞動保護用品的補給。
??????? 10.?? SUPERVISION
??????? 監(jiān)督
??????? Compliance with the PPE Program is unlikely to be successful unless management and supervisory personnel are knowledgeable in regard to the PPE requirements and they are held accountable for the consistent and effective use of the PPE.? As a general rule, management and supervisory staff can have a tremendous positive impact on their employees in regard to PPE, by setting the example by wearing the appropriate PPE and enforcing site rules in regard to PPE when required.
??????? 除非管理層和主管不具備對勞動保護用品的豐富知識和對勞動保護用品的協(xié)調(diào)性和效果負有責任,那么個人勞動保護用品的計劃就不可能取得成功。作為一個總的原則,管理層和主管穿戴合適的個人勞動保護用品和執(zhí)行現(xiàn)場需要的勞動保護用品規(guī)則對他們的雇員注重個人勞動保護用品有著極大的積極的影響力。

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